What is the 'Kids Craft Tour'??
The Kids Craft Tour is an artistic tour in the Panama City, Florida area presented by Panama City Quality of Life and hosted by Brianna Bennett of Creative Angel's Artwork. We set up tents and tables with free make-and-take art projects at 3 different parks during the Springtime into the Summer (March to May) for about 3 months and then break until the late Summer into the Fall for another 3 months (August to October). Throughout the perspective months we introduce different arts and crafts projects at each event. There are 2 events per month (every other Tuesday.) At these events, we do arts and crafts with children and their parents/guardians for an hour. It could be anything from simply coloring a cute coloring page to putting together wooden boats and painting them. Not only is this a great way to spend time with your children and get to know other parents in the area, it's also nice to get fresh air and try something new.

The Importance of Teaching Art to Children

Teaching children art is important for several reasons:
• Creative Expression: Art provides a unique outlet for children to express themselves creatively, allowing them to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a non-verbal way.
• Critical Thinking: Art encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills as children make decisions about colors, shapes, and composition while creating their artwork.
• Motor Skills: Art activities help develop fine motor skills, such as hand-eye coordination and dexterity, which are crucial for tasks like writing and tying shoelaces.
• Self-Confidence: Successfully completing art projects boosts children's self-esteem and confidence in their abilities.
• Cultural Understanding: Art exposes children to different cultures, traditions, and historical periods, fostering cultural awareness and appreciation.
• Emotional Well-Being: Engaging in art can be therapeutic, helping children cope with stress, anxiety, and emotional challenges.
• Academic Benefits: Studies have shown that involvement in the arts can enhance academic performance in subjects like math and reading.
• Imagination and Creativity: Art nurtures imagination and encourages creative thinking, which are essential skills for problem-solving in various aspects of life.
Overall, teaching art to children contributes to their holistic development and helps them become well-rounded individuals.
Art and How it Can Be Beneficial to Parents
Children making art can be beneficial to their parents in several ways as well:
• Emotional Connection: When children create art, they often share their creations with their parents. This provides an opportunity for parents to connect emotionally with their children, discuss their thoughts and feelings, and strengthen their bond.
• Understanding and Communication: Art can serve as a means of communication for children who may find it challenging to express themselves verbally. Parents can gain insights into their child's thoughts and emotions by discussing their artwork.
• Proud Moments: Parents take pride in their children's accomplishments. Displaying their child's artwork at home or in a prominent place can be a source of pride and joy for parents, showcasing their child's creativity and talents.
• Supportive Environment: Encouraging children to explore their artistic interests creates a supportive and nurturing environment at home, where children feel valued for their unique abilities and talents.
• Quality Time: Engaging in art activities together, such as painting or crafting, provides parents and children with quality bonding time, fostering positive relationships.
• Creativity and Problem-Solving: Parents benefit from having creative thinkers in the family. Children who engage in art develop problem-solving skills and creativity that can be valuable in various aspects of family life.
• Artistic Development: Parents who recognize and support their child's interest in art may help nurture a lifelong passion or even a potential career path for their child.
In summary, children making art not only enriches their own development but also enhances the parent-child relationship, creates opportunities for open communication, and fosters a creative and supportive family environment.
Impact and Influence
As a local artist that was raised in Panama City, FL. it means so much to me to be able to teach children and help them develop new creative skills and ideas. I would've loved to have had something like the Kids Craft Tour growing up so being able to leave an impact on the kids in our area is a privilege and an honor. 💛✨
For more information on Kids Craft Tour follow Panama City Quality of Life & Creative Angel's Artwork on Facebook.