My opinion.
A lot of Artists use things like Google images as references including myself from time to time. I don't copy but I use pictures & real photos as inspiration from time to time when I'm not drawing from memory or through my thoughts and abstract expressionism. I always freehand and hand draw my work. I never copy verbatim unless it's from something that was made by me. My point? A.I. Art is a cool way to make art to be used as references. A lot of Artists including myself already do this. Why not have high quality images that can not only enhance your natural skills but also be a source of new inspiration.
However, I do see both sides of the A.I. Art argument. What I mentioned above is the positive outlook.
On the other hand, technology is moving quickly and new, advanced A.I. tools are being set to release this year and some even in the next couple of months allegedly. A.I. apps like Midjourney, Lensa, Dreamlike, etc. are popping up fast! The issue is that there are people using these applications and calling themselves Artists. As an authentic, Visual Artist myself, I can see how this is wild to say the least. To see a lot of people who have never attempted to make art by physically using art tools before suddenly become an "Artist" overnight is crazy. It's also been found that some A.I. apps steal from original Artists. I even noticed that when I post my original art in art groups that normally post A.I. art. People would often ask if they could copy my original, hand drawn artwork. That means that the ability to create original art is still definitely a skill that is in demand and much needed.
Does having the ability to write good, descriptive prompts now make a person an Artist? Is the process of typing vivid words to make images fitting to the description considered creative?
In closing, don't be closed minded, remain creative, support real Artists and understand that the future is inevitable. Use this time not to get discouraged but to go harder than you ever have. It's time! Getting mad at A.I. won't make it disappear. It's here. Crying about it, getting angry, etc. is wasteful energy to you as a real Creative. I don't care what anyone says authentic Artists can't be replaced. The time you take to make art, the random marks you make on sculptures, paintings and how you decide to finalize your pieces can't be duplicated. Don't be discouraged, be encouraged. It's 2023, let's make the best art we've ever made this year and beyond. Expand your talents. Explore the A.I. world and blend it/mix it with your own. Let's go!!!! 💫✨

Creative Angel's Artwork