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Hegelian Dialectic

Hegelian Dialectic

Regular price $650.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $650.00 USD
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Title: "Hegelian Dialectic" Canvas Size: 24x36" Medium: Acrylic Paint and Prescription Bottles Price: $650.We live in a society where we'll have a problem and be offered false solutions to solve those problems. For example.. medications in most cases. The medication tends to have more side effects in comparison to actually being a health aid. They keep you relying on that medication to the point where you actually need it while it simultaneously damages you. Fast food is convenient and tasty, but it's important to understand moderation if not cutting it out altogether. It can be a detriment. Technology is helpful and cool, but I don't like how certain things or the idea of them seem to be forced on us... Metaverse (leaving your reality to go into another false world). Constant programming surrounds and attempts to overwhelm our minds. We are treated like products and experiments and not people.
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